Monday, April 5, 2010

The Easter Egg Hunt....

I like Easter, it comes just at the right time - my friend commented yesterday.
Nothing too tricky or hard planned, just plenty of extra time to hang out with those you like, love and want to play with. Made additionally good this year by being the end of day-light savings, giving us an extra hour to sleep in!

Today we went with very dear friends and their family to a sweet little spot, just half an hours drive from Melbourne. A gentle place where the sea and soil meet - farmers were planting fresh shoots, and dropping fertilizer across the many paddocks behind the little boat shed turned 'day batch' that we were visiting. At times the smell was a little unpleasant, but the weather, the company, the sea and the easter egg hunt were more than enough to counter balance the occasional sulphuric odours wafting in on the breeze.

Arki was excited about the Easter Egg hunt, and so the pressure was on to hide them all in 'not so hard to find' places, without making it obvious, that the Easter Bunny had left them in plain view. There were two bunnies this year, a Glenda Bunny, and a Yamuna Bunny, and the main order of the day for good hiding spots, were under the shells and weathered pieces of glass placed carefully in piles on the picnic table, in the grooves and bolt holes by the outdoor sinks, and then in any 'hole' we could find on the boat shed, or near it. Some were left in rows of 3, others poked into odd gaps in weatherboards...and even one or two in Daddy's shoe. It took almost 10 minutes to find them all, and I think perhaps we might have left one behind for the Easter Fairies to fight over....all in all, I think perhaps the bunnies did a good job this year, and Yamuna seemed happy to know she had been part of the 'plan' not part of the magic of finding the this something that happens when you are 6 and a half going on 7 perhaps?

I loved my day out, I liked the company, and I liked the 'secret spot'....and now I am about to meditate on 'being present to my surroundings', the end of this great day, and facing up to the pending morning....when I head back to work. No Easter Bunnies there, only carob and oat bars - Soy Milk and vegan tarts....sigh....oh well. Another Easter holiday comes to an unwanted end.

Not really getting as loose with this story telling business as I would like to, but then again, as per usual, I expect it is something that requires patience, and practice....neither of which I have excelled at!

Nevermind - nobody needs to read it but me, and hopefully by the time anybody finds it, I will have lifted my game considerably.

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